Seeing your furry friend on a life threatening state will be a stressful and frightening situation, especially if the doggie remains unresponsive for a very long time. As you adopt a pet, you should nurture yourself with relevant knowledge on how to treat the dog’s condition like a pro! Two powerful life saving strategies would be CPR and artificial respiration. And, this article will give you a brief outline on how to perform these procedures properly.

Before you give your furry friend a treatment, you must evaluate the pet’s health condition. Check if the dog is breathing and moving. Move towards the dog’s cheek and feel for the flow of air. Likewise, verify if the pet’s chest rises and falls back mildly. In case the dog is not breathing, verify the airway for visible signs of blockage. Pull the dog’s tongue forward and remove objects from its mouth.

Moving on, you should verify if your pet has a pulse. The dog’s inner thigh has the femoral artery, which is one of the easiest places to identify the pulse. Run your hand through this point and check for any active pulse. If the pulse is not evident near the Femoral artery, you should try near the metacarpal pad.

When you are ought to do CPR on the pet, stick onto the following steps.

  • Firstly, you should position the doggie right. He must be prepared for the treatment. Lay the dog on a flat surface, with his left side facing up.
  • Now, make his head straight. The airway must be a direct passage. While doing this step, you should be positioned behind the dog’s back.
  • The toughest part in any CPR would be the heart compressions. Place your palms (both) on the widest rib cage you can see. Never lay your hands on the dog’s heart. This can be a deadly move.
  • Conversely, give firm yet quick compressions at a rate of 15-18 every 10 seconds.

The foremost step should be continued until your pet starts to breathe on his own. Once he gains a steady pulse, you must take him a vet! If the dog does not breathe even after 15 minutes of trying, you should discontinue the procedure. Since, he is less likely to survive.