The Great Northeast Shakeout is upon us. It’s that time of year again to practice earthquake drills to keep you and your loved ones – including your pets! – safe during earthquakes.
There should be special care taken when it comes to pets and natural disasters. Though it doesn’t happen often in our bucks county pet sitter service area, it’s important to list ways to make sure you’re pet prepared for earthquakes!
- We can’t stress it enough – ID tags and microchips are very important! If you get separated from your pet, any identification is a good place to start in reuniting you.
- When you are safe, don’t worry if your pet does not start eating again quickly after the event. Stressed animals may avoid food for a time.
- Make sure to keep vaccination papers in an easily accessible place. If you need to house your pet elsewhere temporarily, some services and shelters will require proof of vaccination first.
- Keep your pet restrained or indoors for a time after the earthquake. This serves two purposes – it allows the pet to reorient themselves with a changed environment and keeps them from running away in the event of an aftershock.Stay safe with your pet – during the Shakeout and throughout the year! Contact your Philadelphia pet sitter for more information and tips! Call or Text 1-866-38-PET-SIT