Feline Declaw: Facts, Risks, and Cat Claw Considerations

Feline Declaw: What is a declaw? Will your pet be in pain? Consider frequent nail trims vs. declaw surgery. Declaw removal is expensive and the surgery hurts. Consider hiring a professional vet tech pet sitter to handle fractious cats with claws.

What is a declaw?

Feline declaw medical procedure involves permanent removal of the cat’s nails (usually front claws only). The surgery dwells on of the removal of the toe bone up to the first joint, and must be performed while the cat is sleeping (anesthesia). The procedure is achieved to help avoid felines from scratching people and or harming furniture or other things while scratching. Although commonly done, declaws are major orthopedic surgery. Your kitten will need important post-surgical responsibility to get back comfortable and quickly as possible.

Will your pet feel any pain?

A general sleeping method will be used throughout the surgical medical process. Your pet will receive an injection of pain medicine after the operation. Your beloved kitty will be bandaged overnight and additional pain medicine will be given during the pet hospital stay. Your veterinarian will give you oral pain relievers and potentially oral antibiotics. If you need help administering veterinarian prescribed medicine, Sitters4Critters employs expert cat sitters who are qualified to provide cat care. This will help ease the pain and prevent infection the first few days recovering at home. Your kitten may avoid walking around, jumping on things or act painful. Some degree of discomfort is almost certain. In adolescent cats, pain experienced after the declaw surgery should subside in 10 days or less. Limping or lameness should heal to improve within one week. In older cats, this timeline may be prolonged. In all cats, due to pet differences, cat breeds, activity levels, surgical approach, and choice of medication, these time frames vary. Do not give your kitty any type of human pain medicine. This will harm your cat as this will harm your pet. and in some cases, cause death.

Frequent nail trims vs. declawing your pet

Declawing, or removing your cats claws permanently, should be only be considered as a last resort when the other strategies have failed. And in cases where the cats scratching would lead to surrendering your cat, consider seeking a cat behaviorist specialist. The deciding factor to declaw is a personal decision, but might be suggested by friends, family members, or veterinarians. Cats cannot be trained to avoid using their nails murderously cause havoc with your personal items. Declawing might be acceptable option for euthanasia or becoming an outdoor animal only pet. Declawing should only be performed under proper anesthesia and surgery monitoring. Declawing, if appropriate, should only performed on the front feet. After this surgery, these cats must remain in-door only cats. 
At the end of the day, the quality of cat’s care is based on the strong bond between the pet and its family. If your cat is constantly being destructive in your home or threatening mannerisms, this bond can be automatically damaged. We suggest consulting your pets declaw enunciation with your veterinarian, so you can make an informed decision what is best for your family and cat.