Your Pet Needs Grooming

Your Pet Needs Grooming

Your Pet Needs Grooming

Your Pet Needs Grooming- You know it’s coming. Your dog runs, your dog plays, it sweats, gets dirty, eats and rolls in things you probably don’t even want to know about.

Eventually it sets in – the funk. Your dog stinks and it needs a good grooming.

The whole point of grooming is to keep your dog looking and feeling its best, and it’s important to keep a schedule with your local mobile pet groomer. Here are a few tips to let you know what needs done – and when – for your furry friend:

  • Hair Brushing: Depending on the dog’s coat, it could be daily to a few weeks.
  • Nail Trimming: Dogs typically need their nails trimmed once a month, depending on how often they walk and where.
  • Bathing: A dog should get a bath once a month (Tip: you can avoid a big, wet mess by using a mobile pet groomer!)
  • Ear Cleaning: A dog should have its ears cleaned once a month, but some breeds may require special ear care more often.
  • Haircut: Dogs who grow hair all the time like poodles or shih tzus should have their hair cut every two to four weeks.
  • Frequent petting and grooming can help you discover whether or not there are unwanted fatty masses or tumors on your pets body. If you do discover any abnormalities, you should contact your Veterinarian and treat it seriously. Please take a look at my Mass vs Tumor article and I will let you decide. The quicker you remove the mass, the greater the possibility and outcome it should be. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

If you’re in near Levittown, get your dog the best possible grooming care with Peachy-Keen Grooming by Tristan! Book your appointment with us by calling 1-866-387-3874 or emailing