Safe Paws at Bucks Country Gardens

Safe Paws at Bucks Country Gardens

Safe Paws at Bucks Country Gardens

Here is the Ultimate Cheat Sheet Guide for Safe Paws for lawn care (PDF courtesy of Espoma)

Safe Paws at Bucks Country Gardens

Saturday, April 25th, Sitters4Critters attended the 2015 Espoma Safe Paws event. The day was absolutely beautiful! What could possibly better holding an event surrounding blooming flower beds?!

This was a fantastic opportunity not only to meet pet parents, but to learn about potential lawn chemicals that can harmful to your pets!

Here is a quick snap shot why Espoma lawn products are reliable we’ve learned:

  • Espoma cares about the community keeping “pets, people, planet, first”
  • Espoma uses solar energy to operate their business– We’ll bark at that!
  • Employees are like family.  The average employee has been there 14+ years.
  • Since 1929, the solar plant facility has kept jobs– no job has been lost due to “automation”
  • All natural. Pet Safe!

You should check out Espoma Safe Paw Products!  Why wouldn’t you choose a company that has environmental and pet responsibility?

Sitters4Critters thoroughly enjoyed the networking event and learning something important about keeping our pets safe! Check out their YouTube channel to learn more below: