Springer Spaniels: 5 Springer Spaniel Tips You Can Use Now

Springer Spaniels: Liz and Al 5 Springer Spaniel Spaniel Tips You Can Use Right Now

Springer Spaniels are some of the friendliest dog breeds out there, but be careful though, because they also can be quite difficult to train. It’s not impossible, but for someone that has never trained any animals before it can be quite a difficult thing to do, which is why we’ve compiled a list of tips that’ll help you train and tame those ferocious treat thieves. The Springer Spaniel clients I have the privilege to walk are extremely smart, and require lots of exercise and walk time.  If you have Springer Spaniels, please contact Sitters4Critters for dog walking or running services, or springer spaniel dog food or treats.

5 Springer Spaniel Spaniel Tips You Can Use Right Now

1. Respect

If your dog doesn’t respect you then that dog will never follow your orders. If your dog for example likes to talk back to you, jump on strangers when you specifically tell them not to do it, or if they constantly steal food from your table then it’s quite obvious that the dog doesn’t have that much respect for you. In fact, the dog believes he’s superior to you if you can’t control him. If you don’t want that to happen then you need to teach your dog to respect you. If you show your dog “who’s boss” then he’ll not only follow your lead, he’ll also show you more love than ever. So don’t be afraid of losing your dog’s affection because if he’s not respecting you then he’ll never treat you as an equal.

2. Socialize

If you want your dog to trust you then you can’t always keep him in the house. Go out on regular walks with your dog on a leash and make sure that he gets used to being around other people. This is a key element in friending him and making sure he follows your exact lead.

3. Keywords

This may take a while since Springer Spaniels have the attention span of 5 year olds, but the result is impeccable. Train your dog to recognize keywords, such as “Sit”, “Come”, “Drop it”, “Stay”, etc. Again, this might take a while with this breed, but once your dog gets the hang of it you’ll be one step closer to having a well-trained dog at your disposal.

4. Be aggressive

This doesn’t mean “throw things at his face”. You need to show that you’re the dominant one; otherwise your dog won’t take you seriously. Some dog breeds prefer you being nice and they prefer you using a calm tone, but for the Springer Spaniel you need to act accordingly, aka you need to speak loud and clear so they know who’s in control.

5. Good dogs get treats, bad dogs get nothing

It might seem cruel to tease your Springer Spaniel with treats that you won’t give him, but do remember that the dog isn’t your equal. The dog is staying in your house under YOUR rules. If you don’t make that loud and clear then the dog will never truly allow you to train him. If you want your pet to really want those treats then you should try using SkrapZ by EnVi treats. We, Sitters4Critters have been using these for the longest time, and we’ve never heard any of our pawed customers complain.