by Erika Nielsen | Apr 21, 2015 | Blog
Welcome to Sitters4Critters Philly Pet Transport, or as we call ourselves: “the PPT.” On our watch, your pets leap from nervous fliers to high paw-fiving jet-setters! Whether you’re relocating, taking an extended vacation, or sending Sir Barks-a-lot...
by Erika Nielsen | Apr 17, 2015 | Blog
Every Owner’s Crazy ‘Bout a Sharp-groomed Pet Equipment for Successful Grooming. Everyone knows a properly groomed pet is a happy pet. You want the best for your pet (which is why you came here in the first place), and to keep your pet squeaky clean, you need the best...
by Erika Nielsen | Apr 8, 2015 | Blog
Happy Birthday Sitters4Critters! Today marks the 2nd anniversary… Grab your pet and nestle near your computer, as you and your pal are ready for a treat! Our Sitters4Critters website went to the groomers, emerging with a sweet new look that makes it even more...
by Erika Nielsen | Jan 28, 2015 | Blog
Sitters4Critters Earns Angie’s List Super Service Award Award reflects company’s consistently high level of customer service January 23, 2014, Morrisville, PA- Tristan Hamburg has earned the service industry’s coveted Angie’s List Super Service Award, reflecting an...
by Erika Nielsen | Nov 22, 2014 | Blog
BREAKING NEWS: Sitters4Critters will be featured in the “Best Philly 2014- USA Today”, honoring our code of ethics, responsibility, and service. Best Philly 2014- USA Today- Sitters4Critters Best Philly 2014- USA Today- Why you should pay us a little more...