Worst Advice We’ve ever Heard Regarding Puppies

Worst Advice We've ever Heard Regarding Puppies

Worst Advice We’ve ever Heard Regarding Puppies


Having a new puppy can be a momentous occasion in anyone’s life, especially if they have children. Having a pet can add some excitement and fun to the home that it might have been missing out on, and can start to teach children the nuances of responsibility. But when you get a puppy, it seems like all of your friends suddenly become experts and try to give you all of this unnecessary advice that often conflicts with each other.

Here is some of the Worst Advice We’ve ever Heard Regarding Puppies


Always buy from breeders. If you want a purebred dog, then it can be easy to look up the breeders in your area or nearby in order to find the perfect puppy for you, but what you don’t know is that this can cost you a lot of money. It can be difficult to verify which breeders actually care about their dogs, and which ones are only in it for the money. Doing some research beforehand can help, as well as contacting the kennel club in your area to find a reputable list. But you may not even have to look that far in order to find the perfect pedigree dog. There are plenty of purebred puppies in adoption centers who would make just as wonderful pets as their high-class counterparts.


When it comes to worst advice we’ve ever heard regarding puppies, the top of the list is striking your puppy. Many people believe that hitting a dog will stop it from doing unwanted behavior. However, what people don’t realize is that this can lead to very bad associations being developed by your puppy, namely that they will start to fear you. Your hand will start to be considered as a source of pain, and a puppy may lash out at it in order to protect itself. This is what is called fear biting. Instead of using your hand, use your voice and immediately remove the puppy from the area and any source of fun.


Disciplining a puppy can be tedious a lot of hard work. Everyone will always offer advice on what to do in these situations when a puppy is misbehaving. Worst advice we’ve ever heard regarding puppies is to let it slide once a while and give the puppy a break. This is the most counterproductive advice anyone can give as your puppy is guaranteed not to learn anything at all. Giving a puppy mixed signals will leave him feeling confused, and he won’t know how he’s supposed to act in a specific situation. Being consistent every time will instill the proper reaction in your puppy to the given situation, allowing them to learn and become accustomed to what the desired behavior should be.

"Booker" German Shepherd puppy with Sitters4Critters Doggie Daycare 1-800-655-6071 www.sittersforcritters.com

“Booker” German Shepherd puppy with Sitters4Critters Doggie Daycare 1-800-655-6071 www.sittersforcritters.com

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